Sunday, 19 February 2012

Substance over style?

So now the journey has resumed, It's an opportunity to refocus on what makes Untold what it is. Back in 2008 when we'd successfully completed two seasons, and with the movement growing, I knew there needed to be a formal structure for what began as a collective of inspired, talented and ambitious creatives. The concept had been proven and it was possible to create a platform by working with other like minded individuals, more importantly, there were others who understood the vision and shared the same excitement about the possibilities. Unlike existing companies, it wasn't a commercial venture but rather a community led intiative, and so I came across the Community Interest Company. This company formation ticked all the boxes, it acknowledged that although a company in the formal sense, the objectives are community oriented with charitable aims and social enterprise ideals. And so Untold Design CIC was born.

Now more than ever, it's important that our followers understand what the company is and why it was created. The Community is defined as designers and creatives involved in the UK fashion industry, our business is supporting those who may otherwise struggle to afford the mainstream participation costs of showcasing, selling their designs and also those who need support in moving their enterprise forward. We seek to create affordable opportunities by harnessing the power of the collective and using our influence to encourage support and acknowledgement from larger organisations and commercial entities.

Untold exists to support and benefit designers and creatives and as such, your involvement is integral to the development and continuation of the organisation. We don't claim to be the finished article or have the largest budgets, but what we do offer is a grassroots approach and open door policy. We dare to do things differently because we can, we lead where others follow and are led by creativity and the love of the art in design. Untold offers an opportunity for creatives to help themselves and fellow peers, the chance to be a part of a community, to share experiences and knowledge. The mission now is to spread the word and engage with a wider audience, we want to hear your stories as much as we want to continue to tell ours. Substance over style? I'd say there is a substance to our style...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Pause, Rewind, Fast forward

I'm awash with a mix of emotions in the realisation that it's time to get back on the rollercoaster and experience the dips and ascents of the creative journey once again; conscious that it is possible to get so entwined with the doing that the conceiving of the vision becomes a blur of possibilities. I'm back to the proverbial 'middle' back to being the visionary thinker, back to believing that everything is possible and fear is the only thing that can hinder progress, but what a journey it's been!

A year away from everything has been a form of therapy. I'm conscious that some parts of the journey haven't turned out the way I envisaged they would, but that's part of the learning curve and the overall experience. What I'm most grateful for are the amazing people that I've met along the way, the creative energies that have merged on each project and created a chapter in the story. Whilst there remain some loose ends to revisit, it's time to look forward and embrace the flow of creative juices.

Fast forward five years, several chapters, hundreds of designers and creatives and the formation of a creative community. The achievement has been immense but time to build another level up from the foundations and cement the legacy on which the vision was conceived.

And so MMXII begins...